What are the most common symptoms that are commonly exhibited in dogs with an intolerance or sensitivity?
Hives &/or Face swelling
Constant licking
Red Inflamed skin
Diarrhea &/or Vomiting
itchy &/or Infected Ears
Itchy &/or Discharge in Eyes
Allergy Testing at the Veterinarian
Only performed by Veterinary Dermatologists
- Typically considered to be the most accurate method
Measuring an immune system response
Performed by injecting small quantities of allergens into the dog/cat skin
Pet must be unconscious during the test
Hair must be shaved
By examining the visible skin reactions at each injection site, a dermatologist can determine which allergens exist
May need to stop medications for up to 2 weeks before testing is scheduled
Females should not be tested if pregnant or in heat
Pets should be tested at the end of their allergy season (typically in the fall)
No baths should be given in the five days before testing
Pets must be fasted the morning of the procedure (to allow for safe sedation)
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Only performed by a Veterinarian
The laboratory tests the blood, looking for allergen-specific antibodies (IgE) against a number of allergens
Measuring an immune system response
Can easily be collected during a routine wellness visit
Does not require pets to go off of their medication prior to testing
Does have a tendency to have false positives – may require Intradermal Testing to be done also
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