Recommended Foods for Dogs that have too much “Heat”

Recommended Foods for Dogs that have too much “Heat”

I get asked pretty often about which dog foods are best, so I thought I would do a handful of posts to share which ones I suggest! This second blog post for my “Food Series” will focus on dogs that have too much heat & need to cool their body. To get a...
Recommended Food for Healthy Dogs

Recommended Food for Healthy Dogs

I get asked pretty often about which dog foods are best, so I thought I would do a handful of posts to share which ones I suggest! This first blog post for my “Food Series” will focus on normal, healthy dogs. To get a specific food recommendation for your...
How much water is enough water?

How much water is enough water?

I had a client ask me this week, “How much water should my dog drink each day?” Do you keep track of how much water your dog drinks every day? We do not measure the water in our house, but generally speaking, I do know that we rinse & fill up our Water...